2019 Haiti Tech Summit (June 20-23)

2019 Haiti Tech Summit
June 20, 2019
12pm-6pm International and local arrivals + registration
6pm-9pm Welcome Ceremony
9pm- Until After Party
June 21, 2019
9am-6pm Main Stage Event + Partnership Roundtables + Workshops
6-9pm VIP dinner for VIP, Speakers, Sponsors,Celebrities + Government Officials ONLY
9pm- Until After Party
June 22, 2019 :
9am-6pm Main Stage Event + Partnership Roundtables + Workshops
6pm-9pm Splash Networking Event
9pm - Until Beach Party
June 23, 2019
Shuttles to airport in PAP/ FLy out
Ecosystem Tour + Impact Day Activities (for those who chose to stay in PAP for an additional night at their own expense)
Speakers Announced:
Ambassador Michele Sison U.S. Ambassador to Haiti
Carlos Sanvee- Secretary General of YMCA - From Geneva, Switzerland
Darline Jean- Chief Digital Officer @ Essence Magazine
Cassandre Charles Vice President, Brand Marketing @ Essence Magazine
Ann Rosenberg Senior Vice President, Global Head of SAP Next-Gen
Tyrona (Ty) Heath Global Lead for Agency and Partner Education at LinkedIn
Daraiha Greene- Google: Global Head of Strategic Partnerships, Community Inclusion
Leigh-Ann A. Buchanan Founding Executive Director of Venture Café Miami.
Cody Simms - Managing Director at Tech Stars
Sandra Moerch- Chief Content & Purpose Director at SAP Next Gen
Sponsors Announced:
US Embassy of Haiti- sponsoring 25 entrepreneurs from YLAI Caribbean
Catholic Relief Services - sponsoring influencers in education and health
Github- sponsoring coders in tech and providing business tech workshops at the summit
Hope for Haiti- Brining global influencers in health and education to the summit
Partners Announced:
Essence Magazine - Capturing the stories of women and influencers at the summit
Black Enterprise Magazine- Capturing insights from business owners at the summit
Tracks Announced: Haiti's roadmap to 2030 agenda.
Individual track- Learn how to build and monetize your personal brand in the digital age.
Business track- Learn how to build startups that leverage future technologies or learn how to optimize your current business with the best digital tools available today.
Ecosystem track- Learn how to start and scale a movement. From training on how to launch an incubator to how to launch tech events- we reveal the top strategies influencers can leverage to scale Haiti’s tech ecosystem.
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